One Saturday in August I woke up bright and early and headed up to Santa Barbara around 7AM to take an all day class at the Brooks Institute. I was really looking forward to this class since I wasn’t able to go to the one they offered in May and it went over the basics of manual mode on your DSLR camera. I already understood what manual mode was on my camera but it was nice to have someone there to ask questions to and I was able to get some one-on-one time since there were only 15 people in the class. Sammy’s camera representatives also came in to answer questions on our specific cameras.
Once we were done going through the instructors power point slide presentation we partnered up with someone else in the class and went out on the streets of Santa Barbara to do some assignments. Luckily there was one other girl in our class that had the same camera as me (just the newer model) so we paired up and were able to talk about our particular camera. Once we were done with the assignments we went back to the classroom and downloaded all of our photos so we could see everyone else’s in the class. Overall I think it was a good experience and was glad I went. It definitely made me feel more comfortable using the manual mode on my camera!
Below are some photos I shot that day.

by Laura